
I am Dr Michele Curioni.

I have an MSc in Materials Science and Engineering and a PhD in Corrosion. I have worked on corrosion for over 15 years at the University of Manchester (from 2006 to 2023), where I have gained experience in conducting and leading applied and fundamental research and industrial consultancies on corrosion, electrochemistry and materials science, including surface treatments, organic coatings performance, corrosion measurements and interaction between metallurgical features and corrosion behaviour.  

I have also taught in many courses the topics of corrosion, electrochemistry and materials science and took senior roles in the organization of teaching. 

I have authored over 150 scientific papers on corrosion and materials science. You can find the list of my publications and my citation record in my google scholar profile .

In 2023 I have funded CorroZone, to promote worldwide accessible teaching, education and training in the field of corrosion science and engineering. 

I hope our courses will be valuable for your career, your research or your studies.

Michele Curioni