Online Course:

Master the Fundamentals of Cathodic Protection

A concise and complete course with all the key concepts to get started with cathodic protection

Course Content & Lectures Preview

  Section 1: Fundamental Concepts
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 2: Core Cathodic Protection Concepts
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 3: Current Distribution and Potential Gradients
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 4: CP Design Principles
Available in days
days after you enroll

Course Description

The course offers a comprehensive overview of essential concepts for understanding and designing cathodic protection (CP) systems. It begins with the fundamentals, where learners will explore the basic mechanisms of CP, the role of electrolytes, and the components of sacrificial anodes and impressed current CP systems.

Learners will understand the impact of applied currents on corrosion, including how cathodic currents can prevent corrosion, and will learn how to measure a structure’s potential using reference electrodes and voltmeters. Practical considerations such as ohmic effects, electrochemical reactions near protected structures, the design and assessment of CP systems based on protection criteria, and avoiding overprotection are considered in detail. The course also discusses the origin of potential gradients in the environment, the distribution of current near the anode and near the structure, the benefits of remote anodes, the methods for evaluating uniform current distribution, and the issue of stray current corrosion. Topics like anode resistance, groundbed properties, current drain tests for estimating CP current, and the impact of coatings on CP current requirements are covered.

By the end of this course, learners will have a thorough understanding of fundamental concepts related to cathodic protection systems and the factors influencing their effectiveness in preventing corrosion, gaining the confidence needed to address specific cathodic protection problems.